Ap World History Dbq Industrial Revolution

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The Industrial Revolution, lasting from the late 1700s until the early 1900s, was possibly one of the greatest time periods in this world’s history. This time period caused people to think more and dream bigger. From these big dreams rose up inventors, entrepreneurs, and business owners. The Industrial Revolution brought many new inventions and production processes, but along with great new things come great terrible horrors. While some might argue that Industrialization had primarily positive consequences for society because of the new production methods and what they produced, it was actually a negative thing for society. Industrialization’s negative effects were children had to work without an education, pollution came from all of the factories, …show more content…

Businessmen and factory owners could hire children because they could pay them less than women, which women got paid even less than men. On average, the children would be paid about a dime for a ten to fifteen hour long day. These children were working with heavy, steel machines, making their jobs so dangerous that they would lose fingers, toes, limbs, or even their lives. Also, little education is seen “In the urban tenement picture from Encarta Online Encyclopedia, where the children are not at school. This could mean it is a weekend, but the ration is slim. The laundry hanging shows it was definitely during the day, so it was around the time school would be in”(Document 6). Children like those in the photo were missing out on an education that could broaden their thinking and make them suitable for a career. Instead of raising up businessmen and women, doctors, or inventors, children who only cared about work and providing were produced. These robots of children only thought about working hard and not giving up, not about opening their minds to knowledge. So really, this means that the Industrial Revolution produced …show more content…

“A painting showing an early factory plant shows that the smoke rising from the factory was black and full of coal ashes, affecting the air. Also, because the factory is next to water, it can be assumed that the factory has dumped into this water, causing it also to become polluted”(Document 3). Yes, wonderful products came from these factories; things like clothing and cars, but coal was being used to power these machines that produced. Black coal ash rose up into the sky and was being breathed in by the people and animals. Coal is not the best thing for people’s lungs. Also, water absorbs this coal-filled oxygen, and factories didn’t have dumping laws to follow, so the coal and oil were being mixed into the water that was needed by families and animals. Although trains were one of the greatest products of the Industrial Revolution, they also produced pollution. “The quote from The American Nation regarding the impact of railroads leans more towards the positive effects of the railroad, but if you look at it closer, it can be thought of what the trains did in the air. Trains were run by coal originally, so when multiple trains are pumping coal dust into the air for days on end, the air will be impacted”(Document 5). Trains would run for maybe a week at a time, passing through many towns and cities. This means that many people would be affected by this little bit of coal ash one