Persuasive Essay Coal

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The use of coal for energy is detrimental to the environment and to humans; therefore, a gradual nationwide ban should be put in effect to improve the environmental health of the planet. The use of coal has negatively affected the environment for decades; therefore, implementing a gradual nationwide coal ban could positively affect wildlife and the conditions in nature. Coal is a naturally occurring material found in the ground; after its discovery, humans found out that they could burn coal and use it for energy instead of using charcoal, which was much less effective. As the years went on, coal became a main source of energy; which was beneficial for humans, but it negatively affected the environment around them. As a result of coal burning …show more content…

The reason why methane gasses are so potent to the planet is because of the structure of the compound, it traps more heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide. Consequently, that makes methane gasses 80 times more harmful than carbon dioxide for 20 years after its release into the atmosphere. This article shows methane gasses are incredibly dangerous to the planet and the environment. Since coal, oil, and gas are some of the main reasons for methane emissions, it would be smart to decrease the usage of those materials in order to protect the environment. By decreasing coal production and usage, methane emissions could be decreased which could further decrease methane emissions and greenhouse gasses. Since methane is 80 times more dangerous than CO2, it creates a more dangerous environment for all living organisms on the planet. Though coal is not the best form of energy; some people have a different point of view, some believe that coal is one of the best forms of energy. Some people think that since coal is inexpensive reliable and available, it is the best. Coal is stable when it comes to price and availability on the planet. Coal is a sustainable source of energy for all world economies because it is an