Instructing The Fundamentals Of Concert Dance: Case Study

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Instructing the Fundamentals of Concert Dance
Submitted by Malveaux, Kaleyah (GC0238055) On 9/19/2014 11:04:51 AM

“Hut, hut!” says the center before hiking the ball to the quarterback under the Friday night lights of any Texas high school football game. The audience roars with excitement and rumbles the stands with stomping feet. The exhausted players are grateful for a halftime rest and all are delighted by a dazzling halftime show typically put on by school spirit groups such as cheerleaders or drill team members. …show more content…

It is important for athletes to know the structure of a healthy diet and the frequency of water intake that results in restorative hydration, and they should be able to recognize the symptoms of dehydration for the good of all. Although eating healthy can occasionally feel like voluntary starvation versus eating a fun, filling and calorie rich fast food meal or taste as if you made a meal off running your mouth across the football field, it is often underestimated as a pillar of priority for athleticism. As the leader of a bunch of teenage girls as a teenage girl myself it often took advanced planning, solid support and even great acting to build good habits for my own personal upkeep regarding the way I ate and hydrated as well as support my teammates in making good decisions for themselves for the benefit of the team as a whole. I did unfortunately learn the symptoms of malnourishment and dehydration myself, an experience which resulted in an unfortunate and leadership limiting injury. During leadership camp I pushed myself extremely hard and watched as the benefits took me very far. I stayed motivated as result but failed to appreciate the burden of my physical environment or my mental strain as a leader. When I would arrive in the gym first thing in the morning with our director, I would already be hungry as I wouldn’t take time in the morning to eat a breakfast or even prepare a proper lunch because I was so tired and always took too long to get moving. In the gym the air would be as one imagines a rainforest might be - so thick and hot, like a sauna. I worked hard to please my director, pushed myself to develop and motivate my team to follow suit. I would work over my lunch break instead of resting because I was so focused on the daily needs of the