Essay On Respiratory Therapist

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As the years passed by, better oxygen equipment was introduced. It was made of rubber and vinyl and has to be maintained while in use and cleaned between patients. Although it was an enhanced apparatus, there’s still work left to be done. The oxygen device was said to stick to patient's face so the mask should be removed every few hours to make sure it won't become permanently attached or break down the skin on the face. All these tasks became overwhelming for nurses because they have to do them on top of their other nursing duties. In the 1940s, the burden of lugging around oxygen tanks and maintaining this equipment was passed on to male nursing assistants and voila! A new career arose. The initial name of these professionals was inhalation …show more content…

Neb Jockey Respiratory Therapist (real) 3. Yearning Respiratory Therapist (dreamers of the idea) What kind of respiratory therapist are you? Are you one of those RTs who become what they are now by choice or those individuals who become what they are now because their department has molded them that way? COMMENT to let us know! There are people who just can’t get through a week without getting some massages and then there are some who don’t want it even if they need one. Well, there are several reasons why these individuals dislike massage. They may hate the idea of it because they feel uncomfortable, worried or embarrassed about certain things. Massage therapists are aware of these issues and they try to do their best to find ways to make their clients feel at ease during appointments. A massage session is supposed to be relaxing. There is no point to a massage if the client is not relaxed. Being known as the mavens of massage therapy, MTs take their job seriously and handle it the professional way. People who hesitate about getting a massage may be agonizing themselves with matters that they shouldn’t be worrying about in the first place. Let’s get to know the five things massage therapists don’t care about by checking this

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