Essay Benefits Of Waxing

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Benefits of Waxing for Bodybuilders:

At present waxing is most popular with athletes like swimmers, gymnasts, bodybuilders, tennis players and men who are generally into fitness. Since they work hard to have lean muscular bodies, they want their musculature to show, and hair almost completely hides any definition, particularly with the abdominal muscles.

Actors and models like waxing because they find if they have a hairy body they tend to be cast only in “stupid, brutish” character roles, because that is the cliché opinion in our society about hairy men. This is why waxing to shape the eyebrows for men is so popular, as very hairy eyebrows, gives the impression that a man is not very bright, and is rather vulgar.

Waxing is also gaining rapidly in popularity with professional men like lawyers, businessmen, and psychiatrists, because sitting for hours with their body …show more content…

Athletic performance benefits may result. Ease of treating injury is another possibility. Aesthetic motive can also play a role. Every sport has a different reason. Swimmers, cyclists, and runners provide good examples.

Competitive swimmers are known to shave their entire body. There actually is good reason for it. Studies show that removal of body hair has a direct impact on performance, a substantial one at that. A study conducted by the American College of Sports Medicine compared freshly shaven swimmers with a control group in the pool. While performing the breast stroke over 400 yards at 90 percent effort, the athletes with no hair experienced a reduction in blood lactate, a decreased VO2, and an increase in stroke length.

Road cyclists are well known for having no hair on their legs. Yet, there are no studies that prove shaving hairy legs to provide a performance benefit. This is due to the fact that the aerodynamic advantage is miniscule. Cyclists claim to have other relevant reasons for keeping their legs