Should Kids Be Able To Participate In Extreme Sports

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The idea of extreme sports has changed drastically over the years, going from skateboarding in the streets to jumping out of planes with nothing but a parachute to soften your landing. These extreme sports have many advantages for kids who participate in it such as health benefits, psychological benefits, and opportunities to participate in a sport they can enjoy individually. The dangers do still exist, but one can become hurt while participating in any sport so those dangers are not relevant, therefore pros outweigh cons and kids should be able to participate in extreme sports. Kids who participate in extreme sports have an opportunity to compete in a sport they enjoy rather than engaging in team sports that involve being dependent on others. …show more content…

Partaking in extreme sports has a plethora of psychological and medical advantages. When kids engage in extreme sports they become more imaginative. This happens because they are free to experiment and invent their own spectacular or special stunts (Tarshis). In Advantages of Adventure Sports, the creator states when kids participate in extreme sports it builds up their confidence the creator shares with us that extreme sports can also relieve stress (Tiyo App). Others believe participating in extreme sports leads to problems like concussions. That is correct, but it is a risk kids are willing to take to improve mentally and physically. Another medical advantage is participating in extreme sports can help relieve stress and in other sports players and teams can be stressed out by the big stage (Tiyo App). With these multiple advantages, medically and psychologically, many kids should be more interested in competing in extreme sports. Although participating in extreme sports can lead to serious injuries, the advantages of engaging in extreme sports outweighs the negative side of the situation both mentally and physically. Kids who partake in extreme sports are given the opportunity to compete in a sport they love and stay healthy and active while doing that