Making Sports More Safe To Professional Athletes

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To professional athletes, the game is their life. Athletes should not be stopped from playing because of risks when one can make that decision for themselves. People are working to make sports more safe and less risky by making improvements in the equipment used and prohibiting athletes from playing the game while injured. Also, athletes continue playing the sport even though it could potentially take a toll on their health. To begin with, improvements are being made to equipment to make sports more safe. In the passage, "Let Them Play" it states, "Football has never been safer than it is right now. The NFL is constantly attempting to improve players' protective gear. They have a head, neck, and spine committee that has discussed methods for improving head safety with officials from the military and NASCAR as well." So, multiple sports are now working to protect their athletes more efficiently and make the game they love more safe especially because these activities are particularly dangerous. Sports organizations, such as the NFL, utilize large amounts of money for the purpose of researching and making safer equipment for these athletes to use. The knowledge that sports organizations are making sports more safe must be reassuring for many professional athletes especially because they had to …show more content…

Athletes are not oblivious to the fact that their health is put on the line when they play these sports. They are participating in sports that are naturally, very risky and unsafe. This fact does not prohibit most players from continuing to play. So, one cannot stop making someone play a sport because it is risky, when the athletes themselves continue to play, regardless of the dangers that they are fully aware