Discrimination In Ta-Nehisi Coates Between The World And Me

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Throughout the years, a buildup of understanding about violence developed in my brain, a general concept of violence in America, towards women and people of differing sexualities. At this point in my life, I feel unable to recall a specific moment or an exact moment of realization about evil in the world. However, more often than not I experience discrimination myself or I witness someone else suffering through it. Ta-Nehisi Coates' excerpt from Between the World and Me, emphasizes the importance of dealing with discrimination and educating others through a letter to his son, something that I feel passionately about and have dealt with my whole life.
First off, I think I comprehended evil when I joined an LGBTQ+ Alliance club at my high school in senior year, in support of my friend who faced bullying due to her sexuality. We often discussed topics pertaining not only to equality towards people of all sexualities, but also for every human being in society. We raised money for numerous organizations including the Trevor Project and often broadcasted facts about the harsh …show more content…

One instance that stands out to me the most occurred one day at my summer job. I cashiered at a popular supermarket for about two years, however one interaction with a customer I remember very clearly. A woman entered the store and asked for someone to help her left a case of water bottles from the shelf. My manager asked me for me to assist her and when I arrived the woman told me, “I wonder why they sent you. You’re such a skinny girl. Normally they send me one of the strong cart boys!” In that moment, I realized my gender stood out more than my strength or my ability to help. I proceeded to tell her about how I lift at the gym four times a week and how I am a part of a travel softball team, which caused her to remain silent for the next few