
Discuss The Use Of Ethos Pathos And Logos In Antigone

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Rhetoric is a powerful tool we use every day. In Sophocles’ Antigone, rhetoric is used frequently, as the different parties try to explain the reasoning behind their decisions. Antigone uses ethos, pathos, and logos very effectively in her argument on how her brother should be buried, she ends up having the best argument by how she uses it. Creon is against her, using pathos to argue that Polyneicês should be left to rot. Antigone, when arguing with her sister Ismene, uses ethos and a bit of pathos, explaining that, “He is my brother. And he is your brother, too,” (Sophocles Prologue 13). She thinks, as Polyneicês’ sisters, it’s Ismene and her duty to bury him. She’s effectively using the ethos by explaining that it’s their duty to bury their brother, appealing to her status as his sister. Pathos is also mixed in a little since they’re siblings who love each other. …show more content…

That final Justice that rules the world below makes no such laws,” (Sophocles 2.357-358). She uses logic against Creon, saying that the gods would oppose Creon’s law. Creon made his law based on how he felt about Polyneicês waging war on Thebes. While emotionally it feels right to Creon, the gods’ law should be followed first before

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