Discuss Two Artists Or Designers: Specialist Area Of Study

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Discuss two Artists or Designers whose work relates to your specialist area of study I have chosen to do a comparative study of Ray Harryhausen and Brian Froud. I have picked these two contemporary artists/designers because of their interests relating to mythology and folklore, as well as their shared experience in model making, creature design and special effects for film and television. The artists work is linked to my own interests in Mythology, folklore and creature design. I am also interested in model making and special effects design and construction which is related to the 3D specialist option that I have eventually taken in the pathways stage. Ray Harryhausen: Ray was born in LA in June 1920 and as a small child he had a passion for dinosaurs and anything that was fantasy related. As he grew up he was influenced by visits to the theatre and cinema with his parents and as well as novels and paintings and he began to …show more content…

The painted sky captivates the eye as the clouds are drawn out across the top half of the picture and towards the castle. The image has a deep picture plane and the almost organic looking castle is foreboding against the empty space, this creates a good sense of drama and a good use of negative space. The colour tones are dark and neutral and the two suns gives you the sense of the place being other worldly. I have always had a love for Brian Froud's work, I own a lot of his books and I have watched many interviews with him where he talks about his beliefs in fairies and other supernatural or nythical creatures, his work continues to inspire me artistically and spiritually. I would like to use Ray Harryhausen as a contextual reference for my future specialism work that relates to building armatures, modelling with clay and creating set

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