Discussion Questions On Robert Frost's 'Out, Out'

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P 3 "Out, Out" Read the biographical information in your text on Robert Frost. Before you read "Out,Out," note the source of the title at the bottom of the poem. It is taken from the play Macbeth, and is spoken by Macbeth upon learning of the death of his wife. It represents a very pessimistic view of our time on earth. Also, setting is important here as the poem takes place in rural Vermont at the beginning of the last century. People lived hardworking lives. There was no 911 to call in an emergency. 1. What happens to the boy? What causes the accident? The accident was the boy cutting his hand with a saw. This was caused in part by him being tired. We know this because the speaker stated they should have given the boy a break of half an hour. The other cause of the accident was him being startled by his …show more content…

How is the poem different from what a newspaper account of the accident would have been? Which parts appeal to our emotions? The poem is different from what a newspaper account would be in that it seeks to dramatize the event. If this story was in the newspaper it would have been stated in a very factual way and would have perhaps blamed the parents. For example, a newspaper would have simply stated that while working a boy accidentally cut himself and later died from his wounds. However, the poem goes further by describing the hills and sunset, personifying the saw, and giving details of how the boy reacted after the accident. A part of the poem that appealed to my emotion was the speaker stating “to please the boy by giving the half an hour that the boy counts so much.” I felt sympathy for the boy who worked all day cutting wood. Another part of the poem that appealed to my emotion was the boy begging his sister not to let the doctor cut off his hand. Finally, at the end of the poem I was shocked when the speaker revealed the boy had died and sad when his family went about their business as if nothing had