Dispensations And Covenants Research Paper

748 Words3 Pages

Jessie Long
Mr. Tilghman
October 8, 2017

Dispensations and Covenants Paper As God progressively reveals His plan to restore His kingdom on earth we come across different dispensations and covenants that all play a role in God’s ultimate plan. It was Adam and Eve’s disobedience that created the separation from God. Due to their sin Satan now had control over the earthly realm. A recurring theme in the Scriptures, then, shows God developing His kingdom of heaven on earth, and Satan propagating his kingdom of lawlessness and darkness in the same realm. Thus as we navigate through Scripture we learn of the different dispensations including the: Promise, Law, Church/Grace, and Millennium. As well as the different covenants including …show more content…

The age of promise described man’s responsibilities as: rule earth, look for seed, govern earth and relate to Israel. The promise God made to bless all nations through a decedent of Shem can be found in Genesis 12:3. The Dispensation of Law came from the Dispensation of Promise, and started in Exodus 19. This dispensation was primarily to focus on Israel. Israel was to trust in God’s promise made to Abraham, be an earthly kingdom of priests and to mediate God’s rule to the whole earth. With Israel failing to abide by the responsibilities God’s judgement was to scatter the people among the nations. The Dispensation of Church/Grace is based off of the New Covenant. The three primary responsibilities of the Church are: to disciple all nations, reveal Christ through unity and to train believer to reign with Christ. God’s judgement for the Church failing their responsibilities results in the Rapture. Lastly of the dispensations we have the Dispensation of the Millennium. This dispensation is man’s responsibility to submit to Christ’s rule which we can find in Revelations 20:1-6. The judgement in this dispensation is the final judgement where the true believers/followers will be made known. It ends with the fulfillment of the unconditional covenants and a new kingdom with evil/in …show more content…

This covenant just so happens to be the most important covenant in the Bible. Its importance is based upon the promises of the covenant. This covenant is unconditional and contingent on God’s devotion to Himself. The Abrahamic Covenant ranged from Genesis 12 through Exodus 18. All following covenant would be based off the Abrahamic Covenant making it foundational. Each covenant that came after would be an extension of the provisions of the Abrahamic Covenant. The next covenant is the Land Covenant. This covenant also being unconditional relying on God for fulfillment is also built upon the Abrahamic covenant. We can find this covenant in Deuteronomy 28-30. The Davidic Covenant between God, David, Solomon and Israel just like the Abrahamic Covenant is unconditional. This covenant with David was made to build His house and that it would be David’s decedent who will rule forever. The provisions within this covenant are recorded in 2 Samuel 7:8-16. Lastly there is the New Covenant. This covenant began at Calvary and goes into full effect come Christ’s return. Just as the covenants before this is an unconditional covenant like the Abrahamic Covenant. We can find scriptural reference in Jeremiah