Diversity Course Reflection

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Through this course, I was encouraged to see how diversity can bring change and healing in the ministry of God. Reading the struggles and successes of the other classmates, helped me to realize that although we come from various backgrounds, we face many of the same challenges. Majority of the challenges comes from within the church. The church must be the catalyst in bringing the divide of this country closer. Okholm suggests, “But to engage this struggle requires us to learn to think outside the structures of Constantinianism. For most of us, black and white alike, this is one of the most formidable challenges we face in the reconstruction of our moral imagination.” Bridging that gap requires thinking outside of the box. In keeping with thinking creatively, this class assisted in stretching my thinking on diversity, which aided in how I approach leadership with the congregation. There were areas of diversity that I did not consider, such as the mindset of Millennials. I have adjusted my leadership thinking in ensuring that feeding them with the word of God is paramount, just as the Boomers, and the Gen-X crew. “The church has been slow to incorporate systems theory into the way it thinks about itself,” shares Dubois. Pulling the divide together, not only with the races but with the generational groups is an absolute must. …show more content…

To accomplish this, I would ensure that people of all backgrounds and culture feel welcomed and ensure they are incorporated into the worship experience. This would include leadership, ministries, praise and worship, and the like. Respecting each culture to give that welcome experience must always adhere too. This would lead to a fun-filled worship understanding that would draw others to become a