California Common Core Standards Essay

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The California Common Core Standard I chose was Reading Standards for Foundational Skills K-5 on pages 17 and 18. I specifically chose first grade students. This grade level is appropriate for my teaching area when I begin to student teach and for the classroom I currently work in. First grade students should be able to identify the key components of a sentence (the first word, capitialization and ending punctuation) on a piece of paper. Phonological awareness is important for students to learn early on. According to The California Common Core Standards, “students who are at a first grade level should know the difference between long and short vowels and know the understanding of spoken words, syllables and sounds” (citation). They should …show more content…

Including, being able to “read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension” (Citation). Most of the students that I work with on a daily basis are between a first-fifth grade level academically. These students are between the ages of eleven and thirteen. Looking at The California Common Core Reading Standard for first grade, a majority of the students have the academic ability to demonstrate what is necessary according to this standard. However, each student does have different academic goals based on their IEP and their grade …show more content…

For the students to show me their understanding of decoding I would have them do a worksheet with one other student. The pair would build words from a list of different endings and write them down on the spaces provided. After finishing their own list of words I would call on each pair to tell me three words they came up with. The last section of The Reading Standard is for first grade students to read with enough accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. In order for the students to demonstrate their accuracy and fluency I would have them read a fluency passage that is at their grade level. The passage would also have a section for their accuracy of how many words they can read in a

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