Diversity In America Essay

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We live in a very diverse and exciting world today. Technology is advancing rapidly every single day. With that we have advancements in modern warfare. And with that comes fear from all citizens throughout the world, and rightfully so. Citizens fear the intentions of other countries, and they should. America is the most hated country across the world, because of its prosperity and greatness. But America is facing another very important, very hushed problem. This problem is that America is slowly being destroyed by politicians with slick talk and false hopes. Because America is the greatest everyone wants to come here, why wouldn’t they? But America, no matter how great it is, it is not the Garden of Eden, our resources are limited. People …show more content…

When in Rome, you are to do as the Romans. However, the left believes “When in Rome, turn it into where you came from.” This is why America is suffering from “diversity.” The left is selling conformity as diversity. They want to welcome people from all countries and then agree on one cultural aspect, socialism. However, socialism is a slippery slope to communism which does not work as we all know. I do not hate diversity, I love it. Without diversity, what would be the point in living? Without diversity I would have no reason to write, and it is my passion. The thing that the left does not understand is respect. Americans are angry that our culture is being changed, and they should be, because our culture is freedom. And freedom is the best damn thing in the world. Diversity MUST seesaw with respect, and without it the left demonizes people who do not want American culture to change. It shouldn’t change. People come here because of how great this country is, so why must we turn it into a bloody rainbow of diversity. Not everyone believes in freedom. Some believe in gaining as much power as possible which contradicts freedom. Those types of people need to stay put because America is the embodiment of