Essay On Multiculturalism In America

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Multiculturalism in the United States of America
The view on multiculturalism has changed to the worse worldwide ever since ISIL got a foot onto the European and North-American soil. One of the best evidences on this statement happened in November 2016, when Mr. Donald Trump was elected as the president of the United States. It created massive disunities both in the states, but also around the globe. But is multiculturalism really that bad, or are we just using racism and closed borders to get control over our own fear?
Multiculturalism brings so much to your daily life without you thinking about it.Imagine living in the states only driving Vipers and Chryslers, without the Japanese and German technology. That’s the point with multiculturalism, …show more content…

If we look over the pond, you will see that the UK economy have dipped after the much talked about Brexit (where UK left the European Union) that is because they now need to import less, and that gives the buyers lesser alternatives. International companies such as Volkswagen does boost the economy, which of course is important.
Unfortunately, there are some disadvantages with multiculturalism. Children from another country would get a worse education than the natives most times. That is because of the language barrier. If kids would need two years to be able to fully learn in classes where they talk English, it is logical to think that they would get two years of learning less than the natives, which could strike back at them when they get older and need good grades to do what they want in their lives.
As we noticed in the movie “East is East”, problems will show up when the discussion of religion shows up. For most people, religion is a part of their identity. So if a native would get married to a Muslim for an example, there would be discussions such as circumcisions, arranged marriages and the kids religion. That is maybe the hardest part about immigrating somewhere, to let go of many traditions that you grew up