Effects Of Multiculturalism

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Multiculturalism is a manifold concept which has not been dealt with very openly in every country. It is very hard for some politicians to frankly confess "multiculturalism" is not a concern in their nations since they may afraid of being accused of racism, ignoring human rights, and suppressing minorities. Even in the educational programs, the political dimension of teaching has been ignored.
On the other hand. there are not many studies which have been done regarding the influence of multiculturalism on immigrants sociopolitical aspects of life and most of the investigations seek to focus on the socio-economical or socio-cultural aspects. Therefore, this makes it difficult to evaluate the policy effects of multiculturalism.
Sleeter (1996) …show more content…

They believed that every classroom, no matter the location, level, or discipline, is a political undertaking for the construction of people and society. They divided the politics in education into two spheres; i.e., micropolitics and macropolitics. Those choices made by teachers that affect the day-to-day classroom development of students are called mircopolitics, and there are macropolitics as well that deal with larger domains involving unequal funding and outcomes of elite and mass institution, biased testing and tracking, inadequate facilities, inequalities, and etc.
Nieto (1996) defines the sociopolitical context of multicultural education as “A significant concept of sociopolitical context concerns the unexamined ideologies and myths that shape commonly accepted ideas and values in a society”. Multicultural education can not be understood separately from the laws, regulations, practices, and ideologies in the society or at schools. Education, as Nieto stated, is “tied to the social, political, and economic structures that frame and define our …show more content…

This means that how the sociopolitical context is operational at school level. I quite agree with this notion since the society assumptions and political decisions regarding the people would shape the belief system applicable in schools. If the society believes in something, it tries to apply that in the school curricula. For instance, if a legislative policy in a particular society is like that a group of ethnic group should be treated politically segregated, this would affect sharply not only on the kind of instruction in the classroom but also on teacher expectation toward that group of