Essay On Race Improvements In The United States

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Race improvements in the United States United States has historically had difficulties with domestic policies concerning minorities, yet has made significant strides in correcting this and promoting equal rights for all. US foreign policies have made major global peace and reconstruction contributions. Many US court actions guaranteed equal rights for enrollment in schools. The U.S. Supreme Court extended the protections of the Fourteenth Amendment to all ethnic groups in the U.S. in 1956. This amendment guaranteed protection of all ethnic groups from prejudices due to their race. The Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964 by Congress. This Civil Rights Act passed by Congress banned discrimination in public accommodations and schools by prohibiting …show more content…

This movement involved all races and sexual orientations. They continued this fight to educate the general public on how the environmental and social justice concerns affected them. US political changes continued in 1960 guaranteeing freedom for anyone from discriminating due to sexual orientation. In San Francisco people fought for the decriminalization and discrimination due to sexual identities which awakened Americans conscious to this discrimination. The United States initiated peacemaking deals with European countries to give them a choice instead of Communism for commercial and military protection. The Truman Doctrine aided Greece and Turkey in the 1950s. This doctrine provided financial assistance, weaponry, and troops to help train their militaries and bolster their governments against Communism. Eventually, this program was expanded to include any state trying to withstand a Communist takeover. President Truman Doctrine aided Greece and Turkey The Camp David Accords in September 1978 was a beginning of peace in the Middle East. The US, under the leadership of President Carter, moderated meetings with the leaders of Egypt and