
Django Unchained Comparison

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During the silent era, the flawed masterpiece The Birth of a Nation was released in 1915 and was directed by D.W. Griffith follows two families the Stoneman's and the Cameron's in the south during the time of civil war. The audience loved the three-hour storyline, the heroes, and the climax of the film. The story telling in the film was romantic while telling the southern perspective of the Civil War. A feature movie similar to Griffith the Birth of a Nation (1915) is Quentin Tarantino Django Unchained (2012). The explicit drama Django Unchained was released in 2012, starring Jamie Foxx (Django) and Christoph Waltz (Dr. King Schultz), follows a slave and a German bounty hunter on a mission to capture criminals and freeing Django's wife. Even though, The Birth of a Nation and Django Unchained have evident contrasts in terms of their setting and their presentation of characters development, despite this contrast the two films are similar in terms of their themes.

One difference in both films was the settings. In Django Unchained, the movie was set in the south during slavery and pre- civil war. In the opening scene, of the film, Django is a slave and is chained up alongside other male slaves. In Birth of Nation, the film was set with emphasizes during the time of the Civil War …show more content…

In The Birth of a Nation, the main actor of the film was a white male who stops at nothing to save the South and the girl he loves. As a result, he creates the Ku Klux Klan and becomes a hero. As for Django Unchained, the main actor who played Django was an African American male who was a strong resilient slave who wasn't afraid of killing anybody who gets in his way. Also, the characters who were in this film were white and black. In The Birth of a Nation, black people were played by actors who were non-black. African Americans were depicted with makeup (theatrical makeup). The image of African Americans was

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