Do I Have A Soul In The Adoration Of Jenna Fox By George Macdonald

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Humans are such a complex creatures that still fascinate us with what we can do; everyone know that all humans have organs, bones, ligaments, and severe other things. But what makes a human different from other creatures; a mind, the ability to think, our mistakes, feelings, or a soul? The one thing most people like to believe that all of those things make people humans, but some of those characteristics are more important than the others. The most important characteristics are having soul, feeling some form of pain, and making mistakes; those are traits are what make us human.
One question that most people ask themselves throughout their life is, “Do I actually have a soul?” George Macdonald was a Scottish author, poet, and christian minister; who wrote six books over several topics. He once wrote, “You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.” What Mcdonald is trying to say is that your soul isn't something you have it's who you are. Your soul is your personality, memories, and identity; …show more content…

A good example is the The Adoration of Jenna Fox; in this book, the main character, Jenna has been in a horrible accident and her parents had to make a tough decision to make her ninety percent robotic. This makes Jenna feel like she isn't really human. Mary E. Pearson wrote “I want to cry. I want to sob loudly. I want to beat something. Anything. I want to pound on her chest and say, Please love me.” In this excerpt of the book Jenna so badly wants to feel loved by Lily, she needs it the same way a plant needs water and sunlight. Jenna so badly wants to be loved by Lily, that if feels like it is tearing her apart. As if being loved by Lily is a way of feeling like she is an ordinary person and has an regular routine lifestyle life where everything's the same as before when she was one hundred percent human; but what Jenna does not realize is that having these emotions does make her