Do Rich People Get Off Easier When They Break Law Essay

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Do Rich People Get Off Easier When They Break the Law? If an intoxicated motorist was driving, had a head on collision with one’s parents, murdered them, and got away with it all because they had a large sum of money. How could the close relatives and family members of the deceased victim be satisfied with that? The law states that all in the United States is to be treated properly and given the same Constitutional rights as everybody else. Any middle-class plaintiff would attempt to search for justification as to why the upper-class defendant was let off easier. Or in other words, found innocent in a case where they believe the defendant should have been presided guilty. The Criminal Justice System gives each individual a fair chance. No matter ones social or economic rank. Individuals who have more money and commit a crime do not get let off at ease as opposed to the masses just because they have more money. As it declares in the Fourteenth Amendment of the Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that ALL men are created equal”, which means the states must provide all people equal treatment under the law. There are plenty of common, famous societies that squirm out of their responsibilities. The lawyers are the ones …show more content…

Nonetheless, everyone flows through the same system; the differences of the sentencing appear to be massive given to the elite wealthy versus the condemning normally set to the mediocre citizen. The O.J Simpson case, for example. A Public court found him at fault under unlawful murder. However, the Main court overruled them leaving O.J in the clear. Peyton Manning, for instance, the Professional football player was harshly indicted of rape. The charges erratically vanished after a couple of days. Famous thespians get off with a lighter verdict or unrestricted of all charges simply because they are wealthier than the typical