Do You Ignore The Homeless

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Walking into the Downtown of a city, you see a family with a sign saying “WE ARE PEOPLE TOO, HELP IS WANTED FOR US!”. Most people won’t even have a single conversation everyday, They 're just waiting to see when will they have their next meal...bathing...everything. Everyone knows that quote “We are learned, it’s better to give than receive!” We as people are saying this quote, but don’t follow the true meaning! People need to help the homeless because they need to be grateful that they didn 't end up like them, But for homeless people. because they are struggling to get the needs, they are starving for food and water, and mostly because they would need to know the consequences of not having a home or ANYTHING!!!

Homeless people have many struggles. According to The “Do You Ignore The Homeless” article creators went to the streets and asked a homeless person questions about their life and they asked.“What’s the worst part about being homeless?” Sleepy asked a homeless man on the street. Then the homeless person answered “No one sees me,” was the reply. According to the article “ Do You Ignore The Homeless?” Lastly According to the Alliance’s Geography of Homelessness report, there are approximately 14 homeless people on average for every 10,000 people in rural areas, compared with 29 homeless people out of every 10,000 in urban area. …show more content…

Us as people we need to step up our game of helping the homeless. According to the article “10 Facts about Homelessness” stated Domestic violence is a leading cause of homelessness among women.Meaning “more than 90 percent of homeless women are victims of severe physical or sexual abuse, and escaping that abuse is a leading cause of their homelessness”. According to The article “10 Facts about Homelessness” states Many people are homeless because they cannot afford rent. Meaning people can’t afford the money to buy a rented home to live in so that they can stay healthy and happy and have