Doctor Personal Statement

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The medical field has always interested me; the way our bodies work continues to fascinate me everyday. After taking an anatomy class this year, it has solidified my aspirations to pursue a career in the medical field. When looking for an internship, I was hoping to spend a month exposed to a hospital setting or a doctor's office, and I was very lucky when I found Danvers Family Doctors. Although I am pursuing a degree in nursing at Sacred Heart in the fall, I was able to get insight into a doctor´s daily work schedule. I was fortunate to shadow Dr. Bhattacharya, the physician at Danvers Family Doctors, a small medical practice. For the month of May, I spent my time alongside medical students from Boston University and Dr. B. Each day, I observed either the medical students or Dr. B in patient rooms and tried to absorb as much information and procedures as I could. Whenever I had a question regarding a patient's case or medicine in general, Dr. B always gave me a clear answer. …show more content…

I have learned that physicians relationships with their patients is extremely important; patients are not defined by their illnesses. A doctor also has to be extremely attentive and listen to their patients. Dr. B stressed that patience is very important when interacting with every patient. Over the course of my internship, I was hoping to learn how to take someone´s blood pressure, and I was able to learn to do just this. Taking a patient's blood pressure is something that is done on every visit to the doctor's office, and I was very curious to learn how it was done. Although this is only a basic concept to learn, it still left me feeling accomplished and useful. This was the only hands on experience I had done during my time here, so it was an exciting event for