Does Anne Frank Use Positivity The Best Way To Deal With Conflict?

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Essay I think that A positive attitude is the best way to deal with conflict. Just like in Anne Frank's Diary and Churchill's famous speech that helped Britain win the war and not lose their land to the Nazis in WWII. An example of positivity is when Anne Frank says “Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy” this shows that positivity does help in a hard time like WWII. She says this because she is having a hard time and she likes to use positivity to cope with problems. That is definitely the way to deal with problems and it won't make the problem worse because it will not hurt anybody. In the Diary of Anne Frank she says and thinks multiple things that shows that she uses positivity to deal with her problems. She says” Well, all I can say is that I don't really know yet. I don't think I'll ever feel at home in this house, but that doesn't mean I hate it. It's more like being on vacation in some strange pension.”(Studysync The Diary of Anne Frank paragraph 18) this means she is thinking positively in a really bad time. She says that it feels like a vacation. So this means that positive thinking can help with a problem. She also talks about good things that are …show more content…

In his famous speech Blood, Toil, Tears and sweat he talks to the people of Britain and gives a great speech that was very positive towards the people and without his speech they might not of survived the war. His words “You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word. It is victory. Victory at all costs -Victory in spite of all terrors -Victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival.” (Studysync Churchill Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat Paragraph 11) show the people that they need to win because without victory there is no survival. By him saying all this really got to the people and make them made them think that Victory is survival. So he had a positive impact on Britain in a hard