
Does Paul Cezanne Affect The Fauvist And Cubist Movement?

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To understand Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso, you have to place them in perspective with Cezanne. It is impossible to overstate the influence Paul Cezanne had on the Fauvist and Cubist movements. And, with his final painting, “Le Grandes Baigneuses,” (The Large Bathers), exhibited posthumously after his death in 1906, Cezanne produced both an inspiration and a challenge for future painters. Wikipedia notes that Cezanne was interested in the “simplification of naturally occurring forms to their geometric essentials.” However, Cezanne’s simplification goes beyond an impression of nature. In his last canvas, the bathers are elongated and distorted. Their forms are flattened and denied any dimension.. These are elements we are used to seeing,
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