
Does Slavery Still Exist Today

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In today’s world, slavery is one of the main issues that the majority of the population are encountering with. Back in the day, slavery was very important to wealthy men’s lives. Wealthy men own slaves to live off of them and to make their life easier. As of today, many of us may not know, but according to Gladstone, there are 45.8 million people that are enslaved today. The countries that are affected by slavery are China, Pakistan, and India. Out of all those countries, India has the most modern slaves and it is consist of 18 million modern slaves. Although other counties may not encounter slavery, slavery still exists today. There are also many types of labor that exist today. For instance, today slavery includes labor slavery, sex slavery, …show more content…

“About 78 percent toil in forced labor slavery in industries …. such as farming, ranching, logging, mining, fishing..” (Slavery Today). In India, modern slaves were forced to repay their debt. For instance, if the slaves failed to do their task, their holder would punish them directly. The slaves were not paid properly, due to interest rates of their debt. Slaves holder would not let the slaves work elsewhere, which makes it harder for the slaves to repay their debt. The reasons that India’s slaves are in debt is because of the “..lack of financial, legal, medical, and educational services..” (Free the Slaves), which prompted them to borrow from the moneylenders. Therefore if the slaves could not repay their debt, slaves would have to do any task that the moneylenders asked them …show more content…

The enslaved of children is call child slavery. “About 26 percent of today’s slaves are children” (Slavery Today). The reason that children are being forced into labor is because of children “..depend on their parents (and their environment) who make decisions for them..” (Child Labor in India). Children who are born into a poor family would have to work in order to put food on the table. Also, many of child labor does not attend school due to the financial situation and to the unnecessary or unimportant materials that were taught at school. For instance, parents may felt that that material that was taught at school are unuseful, therefore it is better for the children to work than to learn materials that they do not need in

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