Essay On Does Technology Unite Or Unite People

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Does technology unite or separate people?

Some think that technology unites, because it shortens distances. Others say it separates, it avoids physical contact and face-to-face communication. In this article I explain my point of view about the situation that exists in our society today where technology is critical as a means that we supposedly harms our relations, family, friends and people in general, in the other hand I will explain that not only the technology have the blame in this social problem.

For over 50 years we have experienced an impressive technological revolution. In the nineties, nobody thought the Internet had the potential which has now reached, especially the ease of connecting to the network through mobile devices such …show more content…

Over the years we go becoming more dependent of the technology, we can not be without using a phone, texting, calling friends or using our computer. I 'm not against technology because I am a fan of their progress, but it needs to make good use of it, and not viceversa. The technology is not our enemy, is the way we use it, perhaps the pace of life so giddy that we have, which prevents us from having closer contact with people, but occasionally ourselves should give us time to change air.

In my opinion it seems rather contradictory for a technology that tries to interconnect and interact with the internet and save time in our work, seeming to be getting just the opposite. I find it ironic accuse the mobile,the computer, Facebook or WhatsApp that separate us or that they take time to be with others when they are actually meant to help. Why? By misuse of technology. The rational explanation for this is that there is not a technological problem but a social problem. You have to think in accuse to the technology just is a excuse to try to cover up the true cause of a social problem that would remain even if the technology will not