Does The Importance Of Letting Kids Take The Lead, By Harper Lee

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In TKAM, Atticus tried to help Scout by explaining, “If you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you’ll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view-until you climb into his skin and walk around in it,”(Lee 33). The quote connects to my topic as Atticus is trying to explain to his daughter, trying to differentiate her way of thinking and approaching people. He is trying to make her realize that everyone is different and that you have to see it from their perspective. It’s essential to try to understand everyone as no one exactly thinks like you, they are different in their way, and parents especially, help with changing people and how they approach things. …show more content…

In particular, in “Stanford-Led Study Highlights The Importance Of Letting Kids Take The Lead,” the article says, “ ‘But too much direct engagement can come at a cost to kids’ abilities to control their attention, behavior, and emotions. When parents let kids take the lead in their interactions, children practice self-regulation skills and build independence’ “(Crawford). In this article, it is shown in research that parents that involve themselves too much in a kid’s life can have an unpleasant impact on how well they do academically. They hold the kids back and they don’t give the kids the ability to act independently. Moreover, in “Stanford-Led Study Highlights The Importance Of Letting Kids Take The Lead,” the article explains, “When a child was passively engaged, the researchers didn’t find any link between parental over-engagement and children’s self-regulation. According to Obradovic, this suggests that there is no harm in parents stepping in when children are not actively on task”(Crawford). This article is saying that over-engagement with kids is a bad thing because you don’t let the kids be independent, but some involvement is recommended, so finding the middle ground between too much and too little is essential. Being too intrusive and prying onto a kid’s life isn’t …show more content…

An example is that “biological fathers - bring positive benefits to their children that no other person is as likely to bring,”(“The Significance Of A Father’s Influence”). Fathers have a special place in their children’s lives that no one else could fill. Fathers teach and influence their children in a more unique way than anyone else, and they leave an impact that can’t be replicated. A more present example is that fathers are special in their children’s lives. During a study, they said that they “love their children ‘more dangerously.’ That’s because they play ‘rougher’ and are more likely to encourage risk-taking, ”(“The Significance Of A Father’s Influence”). Compared to a child’s mother, the way that the fathers teach is more rough and out there. Fathers encourage their children to explore and try new things. They want their children to be courageous and be a leader in the future. To summarize, fathers encourage their children to explore and try new things instead of sticking to things that they’re comfortable