Does The Mind Reality Or Does It Make A Sound?

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Reality, perception, science, philosophy, and arrogance. All these are at the heart of a single question: “If a tree falls and nobody hears it, does it make a sound?” The immediate instinct is to say, “yes of course!” However, the answer is not that simple. Philosophers such as Plato and George Berkeley have debated about the perception of reality and the existence of objects beyond our mind. Many religions incorporate the question of whether the mind makes reality or vice versa. Even quantum physicists such as Schrodinger have discussed the outcomes of quantum mechanics that are not observed. Also important is the discussion about sound and if it exists solely within our brain. After analyzing reality, religion, and science, the answer to …show more content…

On a quantum scale, particles can exist in a variety of wave states which results in a particle that is able to exist in multiple places at a single time. This is called quantum superposition (physicsof). Superposition states that a system can exist in all possible states at the same time The quantum physicist, Schrodinger, introduced a famous example called Schrodinger’s Cat. In this example, a cat, radioactive material, and a geiger counter were in a sealed container. The atoms of the radioactive material may or may not decay based on the quantum theory. If the geiger counter detected radioactivity, it would kill the cat. Since there is a 50/50 chance of the radioactive material decaying, it is unknown whether the cat will live or die. Therefore, the cat is said to be in a superposition where it is both alive and dead at the same time. Although this seems impossible, this works on the basis of quantum theory. However, a particle has never been observed in a quantum superposition and many speculations have arisen as to why. The most popular of these is the Copenhagen interpretation. This states that a system can exist in superposition until it is observed. Once it is observed, one of the possible outcomes occurs. Therefore, the tree could exist in a variety of superpositions until it is observed. All of these …show more content…

However, through idealism, the tree would never exist without being observed and perceived. Many religions also believe that only the mind creates reality and nothing else exists outside of it. This also ties into quantum mechanics, which says that the tree will be in a superposition of states until it is observed. Another important debate is about the definition of sound and how it is composed within the human brain. All these result in the conclusion that the tree did not make a sound. Although this topic is still open to much debate and it is unlikely there will ever be a conclusive answer, much can be learned about religion, science and the way we perceive reality in the process of answering this trivial