Dog Whistle Politics Book Report

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In the book “Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented Racism and Wrecked the Middle Class” by Ian Haney Lopez was a story about how racism has develop since the era of civil rights. The publisher of the book was by Oxford University Press and published in February 2014. Ian Haney Lopez is one of the leading thinkers on how racism has changed in the United States since the civil rights era. He is the author of three books; Dog Whistle Politics, White by Law, and Racism on Trial. His writings have appeared across a range of sources, from the Yale Law Journal to New York Times. He holds a master’s in history from Washington University, a master’s in public policy from Princeton, and a law degree from Harvard, and …show more content…

The style relies and is similar to news stories, research, and it allows the reader to feel and visualize what Lopez had going through his head as he was writing the story. The main idea or central aim of the story was to explain how racism has evolved since the civil rights era. Lopez draws upon cutting scholarship in history, sociology, psychology, and translates them into terms illustrated through examples. It is an eye-opener on how racial appeals generate broad enthusiasm for policies that hurt the middle class. His book was based on sources from history about racism and the civil rights era. “Dog Whistle Politics” has a meaning that is understandable to a particular audience such as adults or other authors that are interested in topics about historical topics and politics. This book is not intended for children but rather college students because younger children would not be able to grab the concept of where the author is coming from and it also would not be interesting because kids learn and memorize things by visual and auditory and this book has no visual pictures and no audio sound but you can grasp the concept if you are older. Lopez said that he would prefer all middle class Americans to read his book, despite their race. Majority of