Don Corleone's Presuppositions

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Data 4 is about dialogue between Don Corleone and Johny in his office. There, he advised Johny to spend time with family and made Johny to be trusted him to solve the problem. While, presuppositions that can be derived from utterance ‘I want you to rest a while’, include into lexical presupposition type. Triggered by verb ‘rest’ according characteristic of this type it shows Don Corleone assumption that Johny do not manage to rest. That is why he proposed Johny is tired. In line with that presupposition that derived in data 5 also include in lexical presupposition. Triggered by utterance ‘gonna give you what you want’, verb ‘give’ in the utterance assert that Don Corleone manage someone to give something to Johny because Don Corleone presupposed that Johny did not get what he want yet. This discussion is about Context of data 4 and data 5 since they were in one utterance of Don Corleone. Pragmatically Don Corleone feels sympathy to Johny because of his career. So here the context is Don corleone tries to show his sincere attention to Johny. Don Corleone does not need to explain who will make Johny gets his wants or at least how is the way because …show more content…

It designated that the context is priority problem. Whereas Tom who had created a topic about Virgil solozzo as response of Don Corleone for uttering such delay to talk about Virgil Solozzo until a previous task was done. Here the writer noticed Don Corleone tend to prior the problem in California than Virgil Solozzo. In next utterance Tom directly responses with question concerned his depart to California, in this part he did not ask why he prioritized the problem of California than Virgil Solozzo, designated that he obey to Don Corleone and understood his tasks during in California. This context analysis shows that by uttering sentence of Don Corleone has changed the context made by Tom