Don Quixote Research Paper

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Maria Gabriela “Gaby” Pacheco is a nationally recognized leader who is constantly advocating for the rights of immigrants. She has been on the stage since the early 2000’s. It is this constant fighting on behalf of others that makes her the embodiment of Don Quixote in this modern era. That is to say, despite all costs, Pacheco is seen fighting for what she seems to be right. Therefore, in this paper I will provide an overview of her history, discuss her accomplishments, and state what she seeks to achieve. Upon doing this, I will give an account of who Don Quixote is and how Pacheco embodies him. In order to do this, I will focus on Pacheco’s career by discussing her affiliations and political influence. The purpose of this paper will be make students realize that …show more content…

In Quixote’s adventure, Quixote is often seen as regarding for himself as being able to stand up to anything. As a matter of fact, at one point, he poses the idea that he is worth 100 men. Let’s refer to this as Quixotic heroism. This is without doubt very different from Sanchopanzesque heroism which is based on the faith that someone could stand up to 100 men. In terms of heroism, I would argue that Pacheco resembles Quixotic heroism. The reason for this lies on Unamuno’s statement that “true faith does not reason even with itself.” The advocating for immigration reform can be traced back to prior the early 2000’s. Despite it being almost two decades in which said reform has been advocated on, she has not deviated from her strong political opinions. I believe it is safe to say that many, if not majority of other people, would have ceased such actions and just given up. This is one of the few arguments in which some opponents state. That is, many view immigration reform as an endless pursuit since progress has not been made with the last few decades and can be said that any person pursuing such changes is not within their full