Donna Rosenberg's Cronus: A Tragic Hero

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It is often seen that when a person is desperate, he/she would do anything possible if that meant for a solution to their problems. Such situation are often seen in the cases of tragic heroes, and the protagonist of Macbeth, a play written by William Shakespeare sets a great example. Macbeth exemplifies tragic heroes because he was an overall good-natured character, however due to a single flaw, he was brought to his downfall. Based on Macbeth, Cronus, a character from World Mythology, a book written by Donna Rosenberg is also proven to be a tragic hero. This is due to the fact that Cronus holds multiple similar traits as Macbeth; Cronus was originally a good-natured character, but he came under the influence of a prophecy, and that distorted …show more content…

In the passage, Cronus was seen to be greedy because after he obtained the power as the Sky god, he lost his respectable attitude and began to indulge himself into such ruling position. "If I do not have any children, then I will be able to rule forever," this quote proves Cronus' strong desire to possess power eternally for the sake of his well being. Moreover, Cronus was willing to perform unethical actions such as swallowing his own children just to secure his position. In many ways, Cronus is similar to Macbeth because Macbeth's flaw was also his greediness. For instance, Macbeth was desperate to preserve his position as the king, and he eager to do anything possible, such as murdering in order to secure his position. However, due to the self-absorbed behavior, Macbeth lost the trust that people have over him, and that led to his people overthrowing him. Similar to Macbeth, Cronus' behavior caused his wife to betray him (lost of trust) and to trick him into his defeat. As a result, Cronus is considered as a tragic hero, because he acquires a tragic flaw comparable to Macbeth, and that was what brought him to his overall

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