Donor Letter To Mesopotamian Marshlands

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Donor Letter Our organization Nature Iraq does really important work to support the Mesopotamian Marshlands. Our work has changed the environment for the better. For many years, the marshlands influenced the culture by getting people water, animals, and food. The people in the marshlands need water because people used boats to get around to collect the redes, fish and drinking water, they also needed the water for the fish and redes to live and grow, because they need the fish to be healthy so they stay healthy when they eat them, and the redes need to grow because they use the redes in almost everything. For example they use the redes in things like homes to live in and also for their flamys, places to pray for their beliefs , …show more content…

The people of the marshlands need all the things that we have in our everyday lives and the and those things influenced their culture in a big way. Then, in the 1980s, Saddam Hussein changed the geography by taking out all the water in the marshlands with canal that drained the water. That lift people in the marshland with a dried up desert. Most of the population was gone. The people weren't the only ones that were affected by this change. This lift things like fish, water buffaloes and the redes. The fish were used as food for them and their families, the water buffaloes were animals that they had on land and the redes were made into house, boats and more they were also used to feed their water buffaloes. All of these resources were from the marshlands , which changed the culture by. They used the same channels as Saddam Hussein did before, but this time they used the canals to bring back the water that the people of the marsh lands had lost. That’s when our organization, Nature Iraq, stepped in. We changed the geography by, which changed the culture by rejuvenating (not sure how well this word works) the dry, sanded, desert. Soon enough the marland grow back to it’s lus and beautiful self and the

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