Dont Blame The Eater Analysis

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In the article "Don 't Blame the Eater," by David Zinczenko demonstrates the argument of blame towards Fast-food restaurants due to teenage obesity in the country. As Zinczenko 's essay progressed, he included his personal experience to be used as a credible source. Along with his experience he includes imaginary and sets a particular tone to achieve an effect to persuade his audience. In disagreement to his standing point, he ignores all perspectives to create a one choice response.

Zinczenko had a good method to capture the audience 's attention. The idea of asking questions along his article keeps the audience engaged into reading more. Apart from capturing the audience to keep reading he also misleads his point from the shifting of two different concepts and agreement to one. From the begging of his article he says, "Whatever happened to personal responsibility?". Referring to kids suing McDonalds for making them fat. As he reaches the end of the article he says," Fast food companies are marketing to children a product health Hazards and no warning labels." The only part that clearly states his miain point is in the title of the article. To make his concept clear within the reading, adding your opinion in respect to the other view points is a good way to state the opposing ideas and should clearly standout where you stand among the two concepts.

Misleading the audience gives a point to the author 's favor. To persuade, the author must have