Dorian Gray Research Paper

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Dorian Gray and the Greyness of the Human Experience Everyone knows the cliché phrase; if you don’t stand for something you’ll fall for anything. And like the not-well-known Costa Rican saying goes; if the river sounds rocks it brings; in other words there is some truth to every rumor and rumor has it there is segregation of choice. The consequence of each choice depends on its nature but surely damnation sits on one end and tittering can tilt things in unfavorable directions. This is the truth Oscar Wilde’s novel on late Victorian society sets out to prove. In this novel the author personifies the right choice, the wrong choice, and the chooser to provide the reader with a play by play hypothetical scenario easy to relate to and be instigated …show more content…

To understand Wilde’s message it is first important to at least try to diminish the skepticism that shrouds the beliefs on which it is based. The picture of Dorian Gray can be interpreted as an allegorical work to support biblical concepts, yet ironically enough it was used as evidence against Wilde at his trial for indecency. Allot of what was claimed to be homoerotic sub textual suggestions to the detrimental corruption of the audience were actually quote the opposite. They are frank examples of reality; part of what makes the novel so valuable in its defamation of indecency because they resounded with Wilde’s refusal to masquerade (use literary devices to cowardly conceal truth instead of add depth of meaning to it). In doing this he had to treat the more ambiguous beliefs on which the novel is based as more than personal perspectives. He treated …show more content…

Science is coming to a point where is it providing proof for long held beliefs that were exactly that; based on faith, not evidence. Yet it is also common belief that the soul is the origin of holy things; of love and kindness and an inclination towards these things in actions. That thi is why Paul says in The Bible that practicing “envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and things like these” leads to not entering heaven a/k/a the damnation of the soul (New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, Gala. 5. 21-22). When we don’t practice these things and love people instead it is not uncommon to express this with talk of the heart and thoughts of emotions- the reason the heart is the biggest symbol for love. This is also explained by the human connection to the field of light. In a human body the most important rhythms are in our brain and hearts (Borutta 113). In the case of brain damage the rhythms of the body continue to function in harmony, a fact that is still elusive to science- though the theory is that there is a master conductor (Borutta 114). This conductor that controls the heart and brain and these rhythms’ connection to the field of light is the soul (Borutta 114). Who