Douglas Adams Primary Sources

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As an author, Douglas Adams has created some of the most uniquely written works of literature that I have yet to come across. He was a man with an exceptional talent to interpret his mind through his creativity. This is revealed in his literary work, scripts, lectures, and the things he achieved and engaged in during the course of his life. His creations have made an impact on history and the minds of his audience.
The sources I have used to construct this essay consist of books that Douglas Adams has written, lectures that he has given, and autobiographies that other people have written about him. My primary sources are the autobiographies because they contain the most information about his life. My secondary sources are his own books and scripts because they give an insight on his mind. …show more content…

“I thought, somebody ought to write that down. I didn’t think it was going to be me,” Adams stated during an interview. Virtual games were made out of this idea as well. Despite his success, not everyone expressed the same enthusiasm about his work. Critics were known to call his work childish and pointless, or even “not funny at all”. One listener, according to Radio Times, stated, “as a source of information it is misleading”. However, Adams received an award from the Mark Time Awards, Grand Master Awards, Hall of Fame, and The Sony Award along with multiple others. The interest of douglas Adams were not limited to just writing scripts, books, and radio shows. He was also a musician with a large collection of electric guitars, even performing with Pink Floyd on one occasion. He began working to protect endangered species because of his interest in ecology. He traveled to different parts of the world to do so. Loving technology, he founded a company as a source of information about life and the universe. The company crashed and was later taken over by BBC, but Adams maintained his title as chief