Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy By Douglas Adams

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People are more likely to be interested in comedy than hard-pressing issues, but they are not mutually exclusive. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is very comedic book but hidden behind the jokes Adams uses the book to discuss serious issues. This hooks the reader in as they expect to have a good time while subtly making the reader aware of the problems society has and in many ways Adams uses the satire make the problems relatable and fun. Douglas Adams critique of society is demonstrated through the satire of the Vogons unnecessary violence and destruction, the incompetence of Zaphod Beeblebrox, and the luxury of Magrathea.
The Vogon's exaggerated need for destruction and paperwork pokes fun at the power and selfishness of companies and …show more content…

Adams criticizes important government figures and the masses incorrectly direct their blame when he writes "It might not even have made much difference to them if they'd known exactly how much power the President of the Galaxy actually wielded: none at all. Only six people in the Galaxy knew that the job of the Galactic President was not to wield power but to attract attention away from it" (Adams 34). Zaphod serves as a figurehead and scapegoat in order for the officials with real power to work behind the scenes and his wacky adventures serve to add a sense of comedy and excitement to the story. On one hand, Adams uses Zaphod to exaggerate the uselessness and incompetence of politicians as well as politicians who only serve as representatives with no real power by making the President of the Imperial Galactic Government a position with no power and making Zaphod useless. With these "fake" politicians/leaders nothing is accomplished and it can be potentially harmful considering the trouble Zaphod causes by stealing the Heart of Gold. On the other hand, it can also be a criticism of the uninformed masses that aren't aware of these figureheads and therefore play into the hands of such politicians and perhaps would not care. He says that it may not have mattered if they knew about the lack of power held by the President of the Imperial Galactic Government which could be a comment on how the masses do not care about who they blame or whether it makes a difference as long as they get to complain and have a singular figure to put all the blame on. Therefore, Zaphod Beeblebrox exemplifies the problems in politics as well as the complacent