Doug's Faith In Safely Home

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Day in and day out people go through life only focusing on themselves, and who can blame them. With society, the economy and their day-to-day challenges it is difficult to think of anything. Although, everyone faces these trials, God has called us to watch over our brother. Safely Home shines a unique light on the trials a Christian American faces in a secular occupation, the persecuted church in China and the and how one should view God while facing trials.
Being a Christian in a secular job can sometimes be a challenge. In Safely Home you see the main character Ben fire his Christian cousin Doug for being to open about his faith. Nowadays people are encouraged to be themselves except when it comes to being a Christian. Unfortunately this is happening more and more in our society. Christians are being labeled as prejudice if they do not agree with what is now considered to be mainstream. Doug was a great example of sharing his faith at all times. While the Doug’s …show more content…

The character of Li Quan a Chinese citizen is enlightening his friend Ben about the suffering that Christians are facing in China. While this novel is fiction the persecution of the church is very real. One of the major points that was emphasized was the lack of Bibles. While in most countries anyone and everyone can own a Bible, they are illegal or monitored in China. To own an “illegal” bible can merit jail time in the eyes of the Chinese government. Going to a home church is also considered to be highly illegal. Unfortunately, many Christians are not aware of the persecution that their fellows believers are facing day in and day out. The Chinese government has gone out their way to hide these secrets from the rest of the world. Safely Home does an excellent job of bringing some of these details to light. In as such, Christians should not ignore the persecution that the Chinese church is facing, but should actively be in prayer for