
Three Characters In Joyce Mcdonald's Swallowing Stone

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A small, fatile shot traveled one whole mile unobstructed through the small town of Briarwood, New jersey before landing and killing an innocent father, friend and husband, Charlie Ward. Michael Mckenzie along with Jenna Ward would forever be changed from his careless, millisecond action. What Michael thought was just a little fun turned out to be just about the exact opposite, He had killed a man and there was no going back. Joe, Josh, and Amy, three characters with seemingly minor roles actually portray huge parts that change and effect the book Swallowing Stones by Joyce McDonald. These characters brought out the true colors of Michael and Jenna for better or for worse.

Indeed, Joe Sadowski’s role in the book was both meaningful …show more content…

Josh leads us to know Michael's inner feelings by frustrating him and trying to get him to say he shot the gun. A day after Michael found it most likely was him who killed Charlie Ward he had bags under his eyes and was scared. He was only home with his brother because his parents had gone to work. His brother Josh drank his orange juice right out of the cartoon while looking at Michael at the table. When Josh saw the newspaper on the table with Jenna's Face the text states “‘You know, that guy who got shot on his roof two days ago.’His eyes widened. ‘Cool!’” This show that Josh is important to the story because it show how much Josh doesn't care about the shooting and how he doesnt even feel sad for the Ward family. This causes Michael to have to lie to his brother and pretend it wasn't him which is his first stone or lie he has to swallow. Josh is also important because this helps us know how Michael feels because Josh makes Michael get nervous every time he talks about the accident. Next, one night while Michael was talking to Josh, Josh brought up how the police were searching for the gun and person. Josh said that they were questioning houses within four block. Although Josh and Michael didn't what four block. When Michael heard about this he knew his lying wasn't going to be able to go on much longer.The more Josh kept talking about this Michael just wanted to punch Josh in the face. Josh mentioned to MIchael in the text “‘So, been doing any target practice lately?’” Josh is trying to get on Michaels nerves and is trying to get Michael to say it was him who did it. This makes Josh important because it makes Michael frustrated and makes him show his feelings. Also Josh mentioned this to Michael twice which shows that he thinks it was his brother. Lastly, The day that the cops came back to Michaels house because they think it might be him but they don't say anything Michael is really nervous. Doug

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