
Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs In The Blind Side

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The Blind Side is a true story of Michael Oher’s life that can be seen through Maslow's Hierarchy of needs. Michael’s life had many ups and downs and in order to focus on the higher needs of life he had to fulfill the basic needs. Maslow's Hierarchy of needs is shown on a pyramid that goes in from bottom to top. The order that Maslow created is physiological needs, security needs, social needs, esteem needs and self actualization. As shown, the more complex needs are at the top of the pyramid. Each level of the pyramid shows a new fulfillment of life. Throughout your life you are able to move up and down the pyramid many times. Each section of the pyramid has its own characteristics that can change a person entirely or only a little bit. Throughout …show more content…

In other words, all of the requirements to survive like air, water, food, clothing, shelter and protection. Michael lived on different families' couches, owned a single pair of shorts and a shirt and searched for food on the streets. Michael was lacking in almost all areas of physiological needs. In Michael’s life, he has grown up in foster care and poverty with no place to call home. At first Michael was spending the night where he could. Some nights, struggling to find a place for warmth and safety. He often stayed in the school gym. One night he was picked up by a family that he went to school with, the wealthy Tuohy family. His life changed from then on, they clothed him, fed him and provided him with everything he needed to survive. The mother, Leigh Anne, had a huge heart and wanted to help Michael. She went shopping with him, visited his old home and fed him. She also gave him a bed, something that he has never had before. After Michael accomplished the first step of the pyramid, Maslow states that you are able to move on to the next pyramid, safety and …show more content…

The feeling of belonging and acceptance is a need that all humans want and strive for. People are able to get this belonging through clubs, offices, school, family, friends, and sports teams. Micheal lacked a family and belonged to something for a long period of time. Michael was passed around foster homes and was known as the “runner” because he always came back home to help his mom. His mom was addicted to crack and often told Michael “to close his eyes” to hide the horrible things in the world. He was a part of a very unstable household. His father also left when he was very young and is unsure where his siblings are. There are records of twelve siblings that his mom had. While staying with the Tuohy family, Michael became siblings with their son and daughter. The son, Sj, helped Michael do well on the football team. The daughter, Collins, sat with him during school even though she was in the popular group. Even the small things meant a lot to Michael like when Leigh Anne moved Thanksgiving dinner to the dining room so they could all eat together. Michael was adopted by the Tuohy’s and they were proud to have him a part of the family. His football coach stood up for him during a game and told the ref he would protect Michael “like he was his own son”. Michael finally has real love and affection from his new

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