
Elie Wiesel Dialectical Journal

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1. “For nearly an hour, she remained...till Papa came home and played the accordion. Only then did she sit up and start to recover.” - Liesel finds comfort and safety in her foster father. She trusts him and is happy when around him; two important aspects of any relationship, especially a family relationship.

2. “You coward.” - Hans Junior has no pride in being the son of Hans. He despises his father, therefore he doesn’t keep in contact with him. When the two of them to come into contact, old tensions rise up and cause them to argue. Their relationship is broken into tiny pieces because of their different ideologies.

3. “Of course not, Liesel. You are safe.” - Rather than punishing Liesel, Hans forgives her and offers to read her the stolen book. He understands that …show more content…

“Like many of the Jews believed, he didn’t think the hatred could last…” - Hans does not understand the reasons for the persecution of the Jews. He thinks all Jews are humans just as he is, and thinks they deserve the same respect as any other German deserves.

3. “It’s chaos out there, and chaos is what we need.” - Walter, part of the Nazi party, helped his Jewish friend Max escape from the Kristallnacht raids despite the risks. Walter ignored the teachings of the Nazi party because he knew that Max was a human being just like he was; no more and no less.
1. “Don’t go, Papa. Please...first we lost Max. I can’t lose you now, too.” - Liesel, having already lost three people, faces yet another loss, but this is no regular loss. Liesel loves Hans to death, and learning that he must aid efforts in World War II takes a huge toll on her emotions. The things she use to find pleasure in doing no longer feel the same.

2. “I should have stayed, I should have stayed….” - Michael feels extreme guilt for leaving his mother behind during the bombing raid, even though she willingly stayed behind. He had just lost his brother, and therefore he did not want to lose someone else who was close to

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