Abraham Maslow And Poverty

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In this research we (researchers) will be focusing on how Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is linked to the poverty levels of Swaziland. We will also assess how it influences the level of poverty by considering the improvements done, problems encountered and the solutions suggested to help decrease poverty and improve the lives of individuals therefore improving the country.

Abraham Maslow was born on April 1, 1908 to a poor Jewish Family. Life around him was just about surviving; his family had no focus on the fulfillment of higher goals. With all the violence and the tension at home and in the streets it forced Maslow to spend his time in the library to try isolate himself from all that. His fascination for human and psychological behavior grew which lead to his theory of “Hierarchy of Needs” (Hoffman, 1988). Maslow’s personal experience of poverty, frustration and loneliness helped in his study and his conclusion that a strong support system would take place of the needs of survival and feeling of be secure but if that support system is not there one’s hope for reaching higher needs is diminished (Maslow,1971). Through Maslow’s research one is able to see how poverty not only affects individuals but also a country’s potential to develop for greater.

An example of this could be a child from a poor background, who had to work for food and had no adult’s guidance, supervision and comfort, and a child who had the same living conditions but had a strong support system. The