Essay On Child Neglect

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Child Neglect- the negligent treatment or maltreatment of a child by a parent or by a caretaker under circumstances indicating harm or threatened harm to the child’s health or welfare. Child neglect is something different than actual abuse although some may argue it is some form of abuse, reported cases of neglect outnumbered those of physical abuse. There is that very fine line between actual neglect and poor parenting; it covers a wide range of activities, and there is no single set of factors established that clearly divides neglect and poor parenting if child neglect is detected everything must be viewed with caution. Parent that neglect their children hold a certain set of characteristics they have an inability to …show more content…

This is very interesting to me because a lot of people equate poverty with neglect and this is not the case, just because you may be poor doesn’t mean that you are a neglectful parent, there are children that live below the poverty level and their parents love them and nurture them and care for them better than a child that lives in a million dollar home. So just because you have money it doesn’t necessarily mean that you are caring for your child, you may not clean or cook or know how to nurture your own child and that is a form of neglect. Now because a family is living in poverty the stress of that may cause neglect, and that is the economic theory of child neglect, so there are some families that live in poverty and are perfectly happy still loving and nurturing their children, and there are some families that can’t handle the poverty that in turn causes stress and in some cases may result in neglect, that is an example of that fine line. There are many …show more content…

Causes of child neglect vary, and we have to remember that just because a family is poor doesn’t mean that they are neglectful, so basically before a professional can say that a child is being neglected caution must be exercised, and they must watch for the