
Downtown Tucson Diversity Essay

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Downtown Tucson is very well traveled, compact community. Although it may only take up a finite number of blocks, its versatility is endless. This place holds diversity through art and history which can be seen through its many murals and institutions. The triangular cross section of East Congress, North Toole Avenue, and North 4th Avenue serves as a gateway to the diverse community of Downtown Tucson. Despite its appearance of an entrance to the community, this meeting point offers a plethora of uses through living space, restaurants and entertainment, history, and art. Moreover, this comprehensive block will serve to all those who partake in its amenities. As one enters through the gateway of block, they are overwhelmed with dining options for all occasions. The block is equipped with multiple restaurants with a wide array of options from Fired Pie to OBON Sushi, allowing one to indulge in diverse cuisine. Moreover, this sector also allows guests to partake in the community’s active nightlife through Hi-Fi and other bars. The diverse options of dining …show more content…

Over the years, many diverse events have occurred on my block. The most recent of these events being the Women’s March. This block held stage to a major stepping stone in the protection of women’s rights when over six thousand women gathered to protest for equality and respect. Similarly to the Women’s March, other diverse events have occurred near my block such as Second Saturday. Second Saturday occurs on the second Saturday of every month and invites everyone to partake in art, music, and community fun. Artists from around the community set up their works of arts for the community to gaze at all while having live music, diverse dining, and other entertaining events. Overall, my block welcomes all cultures and walks of live and promotes diversity amongst its community; moreover, this gateway is also inclusive in other

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