Dr. Aymer Analysis

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In our world, I have often felt that evil overshadows good, at times it can seem easy to give into different aspects of evil, or in the least, not put strength and energy into fighting it. The IS conference “blessed living in a broken world” challenged and expanded my ideas and inspired me to work on growing to live a more blessed life, for the benefit of myself and others, as a child of God.
Dr. Aymer expressed the importance of forgiveness in her talk “great are those who show mercy”. Prior to Dr. Aymer’s talk, I have always felt that mercy is very important, however truly living mercifully and forgiving others is a prominent challenge in most human’s lives, as it is in our nature to hold grudges and be unforgiving to those who have done …show more content…

Berkenbosch’s speech, Dr. Aymer discussed what it means to be a peacemaker. Often when I would think of a peacemaker, it evokes a thought of calmness, and creating a sense of harmony. However, Dr. Aymer changed my perspective of what a peacemaker is. The reality is that peacemakers go through the absolute opposite of this. Those who fight for women’s rights, black rights and all other forms of injustice tend to suffer as Jesus did. Dr Aymer explained that “Jesus did not teach about persecution, he lived through it. He honors the poor and faces persecution for justice, in addition, He feeds desperate people, blesses the outcasts of society”. Although we are not perfect people, Jesus sets an example of what it means to be a peacemaker. His teachings are a perfect example of how we can strive to live to become more merciful. Dr Aymer stressed that facing persecution can be “As small as a handshake and a hell. Look persecution in the face and take that first …show more content…

A fixed mindset describes one who thinks that they are born a certain way and there is little you can do to change it. This could describe personality and intellect. Where as a growth mindset describes one always tries to work on themselves and learn to grow and improve from their failures. I believe that focusing on a growth mindset is of utter importance when I plan to apply the concept of a growth mindset to myself to be merciful to myself and others, as well as growing to be more pure in heart. A growth mindset means to take on challenges, and be brave, which can be applied to integrity and mercy. I believe that choosing to do what is right requires to be