Dr. Cl: Yellowish Green Superheroes

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Historical Perspectives: Dr. Cl’s history begins in 1774 when Carl Wilhelm combined two elements and created a creature he thought was made out of oxygen. Dr.Cl was able to emit a powerful gas that could hurt his enemies, he could create clean water easily, could disinfect anything he touched, and was able to make things explode. The scientists in Willhelm’s lab thought that Dr.Cl was dangerous and they were scared of him, but he appeased their fears by cleaning their labs for them. The scientists realized that he preferred to use his powers for good and that he could one day be a superhero, so they let him stay in the lab and allowed him to perform his own experiments. Dr.Cl was discovered in Sweden, but he learned many languages from the …show more content…

Because he is mostly made of Chlorine, he is opaque and made of gas at room temperature, he is heavier than oxygen, and he floats closely to the ground, he can track villains much easier this way than floating high above the ground. When the temperature gets to -34o C, Dr.Cl actually turns into a liquid, meaning that he can stalk and follow bad guys without being seen on the ground. Dr.Cl’s melting point is at -101.5o C, he is very reactive, and he combines easily with other elements. One of Dr.Cl’s secret superpowers is his ability to oxidize, or rust metals. He can break innocent people out of jail easily by corroding the metal bars. Dr. Cl’s molar volume is 17.39cm3, and he is in the Halogen Family. Dr.Cl is sometimes found in the ocean combined with Sodium, and is sometimes found in the Earth’s crusts in small amounts; this is his hideout when he’s tracking a villain. While Dr.Cl does not like Sodium, he can combine with sodium to make salt, something that is found in the ocean. Dr.Cl’s atomic number is 17, and his number is Cl. As mentioned before, Cl’s main superpowers include oxidizing metals, making water drinkable, and being able to disinfect different objects. Dr.Cl is not a popular superhero amongst the humans, but he likes helping them anyways and helps clean their houses and make their water safe. Because Dr. Cl is made out …show more content…

He poured tons of salt into the food for several minutes until Dr.Cl rudely interrupted him. “Cl! Would you please let me get away with my plans, just this once?” asked Sodium, clearly upset. Dr.Cl had foiled many of his plans, but Sodium had put many hours into his, and he really did not want to go back to a jail where the other prisoners would mock his 3rd arrest by Dr. Cl. “Nope.” Responded Dr.Cl, who sent a low cloud of Chlorine gas towards the villain. Sodium began to cough and dropped the boxes of salt. Dr.Cl and Fluoride combined their powers and set the remaining boxes of salt on fire. They also destroyed the food that had the excessive amounts of salt. Together, Dr.Cl and Fluoride grabbed Sodium and took him to the nearest high security

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