Fahrenheit 451 Memory Quotes

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Calmly, Montag views the city, reminisces about the memory’s he had in the city. Instant regret fills him as he realizes what he had lost. The city he knew and although didn’t love, was gone. He remembered all the people he once knew. He thought about Clarisse. Montag froze as he just thought about everything. He felt a rough pull on his right shoulder. It was Granger. “We have to go Montag. They will begin the search soon.” Montag took one last look at the city and began to walk away. He felt the urge to cry. However, the pain that was built inside of him had already done enough to him, crying wouldn’t have any effect. Montag shifted to thinking about his future. Where would he go? What will he survive off of? Everything hit his mind at once.

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