
Dr. Grey Was Responsible For The Death Of A Life Support Patient

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Dr. Grey was responsible for the death of a life support patient. There will be an explanation of how euthanasia was practiced by him when he didn’t put any effort to save the dying patient. There was no mention of any type of legal form stating the patient wanted to die, so is it morally wrong to let the life support patient die?
The life support thought experiment is about how Dr. Grey had a terminally ill patient who was kept on life support. The patient had asked to be taken off life support before losing consciousness. The hospital ethics committee stated it would be wrong to take action intended to shorten a patient's life. Dr. Grey thought it was odd that the hospital would ignore the patient's wishes. Then a cleaner accidentally unplugged …show more content…

Grey went against the hospital's rules. There was no attempt to save the patient. Therefore, Dr. Grey went against the hospital rules.
The modus ponens was used because the structure is: “If [sentence P] then sentence [Q]. Sentence [P]. Therefore, sentence [Q].” (Weston, 2013). For this argument, you explain and defend the premises that have different arguments. This structure allows the arguments to be seen clearly and separately. The letters P and Q stand for different assertive sentences. There was no effort to save the patient when the life support was unplugged so Dr. Grey went against the hospital rules and his position as a doctor, who is supposed to save …show more content…

The cleaner tried to receive help but Dr. Grey did nothing and let the beeping machine turn off. There was no mention of a do not resuscitate for the patient so not plugging the machine back in was the wrong decision even if the patient requested to be taken off there was no legal form. The hospital ethics committee said it would be wrong to take action intended to shorten the life of a patient since there were no actions attempted to try to prevent the patient from dying it would go against the hospital's rules. Passive euthanasia was happening in this situation because when the life support was unplugged, Dr. Grey did not try to plug it back in instead he just let the patient die. He stopped doing something that kept the patient alive therefore passive euthanasia was being practiced. Active euthanasia was also done because the doctor didn’t plug in the life support machine so he was deliberately doing something that caused the patient to die. Although the patient requested to be taken off life support and euthanasia was a logical solution, it could be illegal because there are different legal requirements and only certain states support this practice. The American Medical Association believes doctors should make patients feel comfortable and not help them die. Helping the death of a patient does not go with a doctor's oath to heal

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