Dr. Scott Peck's The Road Less Traveled

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Is the common misconception of love, a myth? Have we been lied to all our lives? Dr. Scott Peck, the author of The Road Less Traveled, wrote a chapter titled "The Myth of Romantic Love". Within this excerpt Dr. Peck explains why he believes that romantic love is a lie. There is no perfect marriage, no one true love, and no such thing as romantic love. The myth of romantic love is extremely prominent in pop culture. Whether it be fairy tales, movies, or music, the list goes on. As a child, your parents read you fictional stories that you think are a reality. There is no prince waiting for you, the princess. There is someone who you match well with, but not your true love predetermined in the stars. You can't just arrive in this world with your destiny "written in stone". …show more content…

I do in fact believe that it is possible, if not probable, for there to be "romantic love". Many people in society know that romantic love is extremely commercialized. Whether it be Valentine's Day, buying chocolates and flowers just to show you love someone. Love, to me, is like a whole new world. A world full of happiness, disaster, disappointment, and arguments. Every couple "in love" has their own world, which is for them to create. I believe that the author is not wrong, yet not right either. Romantic love is not something that just happens, you have to create it. I was once told that it takes seven seconds to make a first impression. In those seven seconds you decide if this person attractive, someone you want to spend time with, or never talk to again. That time, those very few seconds, are life changing for some, yet some others